When Jessica hosted the sewing intro meeting. She asked who would want to begin sewing the following week. The girls lined up to sign up with Jessica. Before she knew it there were 21 girls signed up. From 6 the year before to 21. It was unimaginable. Growing the program, educating more girls, Empowerment is what it's all about. We were so happy!

"ok, now let's do silly"

The Sewing Intro Meeting
Jessica held a sewing intro meeting for those interested in sewing for the 2016 sewing year. Jessica was explaining the projects for the year.

Jessica's presentation
Jessica preparing the certificates to pass out to the girls who sewed from the year before.

Yay Misgana!
Misgana graduated from the SLC and is now in high school. She came back on a Saturday to receive her certification and pay.

Paying Sinafekesh

Bethlehem receiving her certificate and pay
The first round was completed and Bethlehem received her pay for the amount of her scarves that sold.

Hawi receiving her pay
We are so proud of this student leader!

Misgana receiving her certificate.
Fun fact: Misgana is the principal's daughter.

Paying Mihret

Had to catch up with Tizita at Elpis International

Strike a pose
Bethlehem, Mihret, Misgana, Loyid, Dibora

Tersa's smile
The smile on Tersa's face when receiving her pay is irreplaceable. We love seeing her joy!

Material Inventory
Checking on what we have and what we need.

Jessica and Sinafekesh
A quiet but special soul.

Bonded infinitely
On Saturday Jessica wore on of the scarves that Hawi had made the year before. These two are the best of friends.
Reviewing Measurements
Cutting material is an important process. We try to use as much as possible so we have minimal fabric waste.
Cutting together
Somehow our sewing classroom got a little full.
Watching Jessica
We all walked through how to create a scarf together. Learning and watching.
Skills refresher
Misgana and Jessica teaching the other girls
Friwot and Mahelet
Jessica teaching
Meron, Dibora, Marshet, Biruktawit

Meaza is the Principal of the Sitota Learning Center. She has a heart for all of the kids and their education. She loved the kimonos so we gave her the tester one. Match with her!
Mahelet, Yegetansh, Yeabsra, Eledana
Girls at work
Chillin with the girls
Friendships to last a lifetime

Up close and personal
Check out Misgana's smile

Mekdes and Mahelet working together
Hana and Meron pinning
This was their first time pinning a scarf.

Tersa cutting

The older girls working on kimonos
Same girls, new projects!

Dibora Helping

Tersa replacing the bobbin
A common occurrence when sewing.

Yegetansh being silly

Dibora hugging Marshet. This program provides growth for beautiful friendships.

Sewing Selfie

Tizita and Hawi

Kimono Work
Friends help friends create kimonos

Who even took this picture??
But it's super cute.

Check out all those scarves
All of those scarves were made on the 2016 trip by the new sewing class. We are so proud

Arriving home
Got in a scary situation on the way home. Happy we made it back to the USA